Tiwa Savage Narrates How She and Her Mum Met David Beckham(Photo) By Olamide Onipede | Friday, June 12th, 2015 Flash back Friday to just a few days ago …. Mummy and I are in selfridges baby shopping (you never stop buying BTW) and all of a sudden she shouts BECKHAM. Low and behold David Beckham was on the same floor shopping with this daughter. I was beyond embarrassed. She then proceeds to ask for a pic even though it was obvious he was trying to stay low key but he was kind enough to agree to take a pic with my tiny embarrassing mama. Then all of a sudden she didn't wanna leave the store after she has been complaining that we had bought enough LOL … Ok fine make I confess me sef wan take pic but fear dey catch me besides my fat swollen face didn't really encourage me…ssshhh pls don't tell my mum. I told her I didn't take a pic because I was feeling like a fellow celeb as well #InMyMind #benditlikebeckham #hewasthereason #ibecameamanUfan #lovemymama #sheisthecutest #lookatherhappyface #prayingtobeagreatmomlikeyou #SavageSoldiers #BBHMM A photo posted by Tiwa Savage (@officialtiwasavage) on Jun 12, 2015 at 4:59am PDT Tiwa Savage just shared a story about her mum’s encounter with David Beckham in London.Interesting!!! Share:WhatsAppTweetMorePrintEmail More news & gists about : Tiwa Savage