Wale Speaks on His Vulnerabilities, Says He’s a Weirdo

  • By Olamide Onipede


Following the attack on Wale by his label mate, Meek Mill, the MMG rapper has spoken on his vulnerabilities and insecurities, calling himself a weirdo.

The rapper had revealed to The Breakfast Club crew he’s battling depression and suicidal thoughts, but now says he could care less about what the public perception of his personality is.

In an instagram post today, October 23, Wale spoke on the pressures he endures as a popular figure, saying he lives his life for the general public, rather than for himself.

The American-Nigerian native wrote, One day you gon all see that , maybe I am stubborn maybe I am odd (to u) but I find great joy in being able to be who I want to be.I live my life for yall. Yall get privacy , you get to sub tweet your significant other without ending up on blogs . Go to airports without being followed for snapchat photoshoots. The last thing I have is what’s inside ME. Idgaf if u don’t like what I like.. It’s for ME not you . There is so much emphasis on “gettin a reply” “getting a follow”. Who cares? It’s so many gems in the music. So much vulnerability in the music. And I do that because yall need it as much as I do. I know I won’t change the world with a poorly written IG post, but maybe it’ll provide some insight as to why I behave like i do. I joke when I got a lot on my mind . I shell up when I’m uncomfortable . BUT through it all I’m honest . True to me. I’m gonna go to strip clubs in gonna go to WWE events.. I’m gonna flirt wit girls and not ask for they number .. Cuz I’m a fuckin weirdo .. Yes. That’s been established since interscope. But again accept me for who I am and not who you want me to be I beg ooooo! Be honest and true .. And they can do nothing to you! ????“Blame Montgomery County school system for the bad grammar ” ok bye”

Meanwhile, MMG label head, Rick Ross, has doused the rift that arose between his MMG acts, saying everything is under control.

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